Every day, the food we eat connects us to an assembled multitude of farmers and Agri industry players. Most of us do not pause to think that this food system is the centre of challenges for humanity.

Ongoing Challenges of our Food System
Agriculture has huge potential for high and sustained growth in the allied sectors, considering that there is untapped potential along the value chain. To achieve agricultural growth, it is important to reduce harvest losses. The key challenge for Agriculture sector is to feed the increasing population. With the rising population, food consumption increases by a minimum of 4% every year, which means there will not only be more mouths to feed, but, the matrix of demand and supply will need to maintain equilibria.
With dwindling land under cultivation and an even lower portion of that under irrigation, increasing farm productivity with efficient usage of agrochemicals is the need of the hour.Low productivity per hectare, lack of awareness for usage of proper agrochemical, high monsoon dependency, unpredictable weather patterns, reduction in arable land, high post-harvest losses and declining soil fertility are key challenges faced by today’s farmers.
In order to improve the efficiency of Agri-value chain and reduce harvest losses, latest technical advancement need to be adopted that can encourage farmers to attain sustainability with maximum profitability.
Tech Farm to Fork!
Farming techniques have drastically evolved over the last few decades, the use of Drones (also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) in farming (agricultural drones) is one among its various evolutions. The Innovation of General Aeronautics (GA), agricultural drones is a big step to set foot on sustainable farm management with assurance to deliver socio-economic benefits to meet the challenges of feeding an ever-growing population.
Conventional sprayers used by farmers often lead to inefficient use of chemicals, less spray uniformity, low deposition resulting in high cost of spray operation and environmental pollution. GA Agri-Drones improve bio-efficacy, reduces time and manpower cost.
GA Drones have advanced droplet control, with improved reach, consistency and uniformity, ensuring high plant retention resulting in improved bio-efficacy. The unique spray solution provides uniform application on the exposed foliage and covers the entire plant including the underside of the leaf.
This advanced droplet control ensures no phytotoxicity and reduces pesticide drift. The efficacy thus achieved is comparatively higher and reduces soil degradation, creating a better life on land.
Spraying Agrochemicals using GA Spray Drones promotes growth rate in crops, furthermore – benefiting in achieving controlled MRL (Maximum Residue Level). MRL is the highest level of an agricultural compound residue that is allowed in food, excess of which results in Serious Health Hazards. Chemical residue levels in food must not exceed the prescribed MRL levels.
Farming is a partnership with nature, it is respecting the basics of nature in action and ensuring that they continue. Many agricultural workers die and many more are poisoned or injured each year by chemical substances entering the body while spraying the agrochemicals. Almost all such casualties can entirely be avoided by using GA’s sustainable aerial solutions.
Soaring High on Sustainability!
GA Agri- drone is an innovative approach which is capable of providing solutions for the major concerns, and in turn supports in attaining sustainable agricultural management. Working in compliance with the Global Sustainable Development Goals, we are quickly being recognised as a more effective alternative to traditional approaches of pesticide spray solutions.
To practise agriculture in a sustainable manner, efficient usage of drones in crop protection within the confines of a regulatory framework is the need of the hour. This technology innovation could be the means of livelihood at many levels, be it the farmer, or maintenance or the pilot flying a drone, it needs manpower, thus contributing towards a better life of unemployed skilled laborers in rural areas. General Aeronautics Agri-Drones brings indispensable synergy to the ecosystem – Sustaining farming practices for the future.